Field evaluation of the interferon gamma assay for diagnosis of tuberculosis in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) comparing four interpretative criteria

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Front Vet Sci . – Vol. 7 (2020) . – Article no. 563792 (16 p). – 98 bib ref

ultimo accesso 19/01/2021

Nr. Estr. 8567


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Steroids in pig hair and welfare evaluation systems : combined approaches to improve management in pig breeding?

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Vet Ital . – Vol. 56 no 3 (2020) . – p 177-184. – 61 bib ref

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Residual SARS-CoV-2 RNA in nasal swabs of convalescent COVID-19 patients : is prolonged quarantine always justified?

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Causes of swine polyserositis in a high-density breeding area in Italy

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J Vet Diagn Invest . – Vol. 32 no 4 (2020) . – p 594-597. – 12 bib ref

ultimo accesso 15/06/2020

Nr. Estr. 8478


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