Enhanced pathogenesis caused by influenza D virus and Mycoplasma bovis coinfection in calves : a disease severity linked with overexpression of IFN-y as a key player of the enhanced innate immune response in lungs
Lion A, Secula A, Rançon C, Boulesteix O, Pinard A, Deslis A, Haegglund S, Salem E, Cassard H, Naeslund K, Gaudino M, Moreno° A, Brocchi° E, Delverdier M, Zohari S, Baranowski E, Valarcher J-F, Ducatez MF, Meyer G
Microbiol Spectr . – Vol. 9 no 3 (2021) . – Article no. e01690-21 (20 p). – 55 bib ref
ultimo accesso 28/12/2021 https://doi.org/10.1128/spectrum.01690-21
Nr. Estr. 8807