Biosecurity measures against African swine fever in domestic pigs

Understanding and combatting African Swine Fever : a European perspective / edited by Laura Iacolina … [et al.] . – Wageningen : Wageningen Academic Publishers…

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Indagine preliminare sulla presenza di anticorpi anti virus dell’epatite E (HEV) negli emosieri testicolari = Pilot investigation on the presence of anti – hepatitis E virus antibodies in piglet processing fluids

Meeting Annuale della Societa Italiana di Patologia ed Allevamento dei Suini (SIPAS) (46. : Pescantina (VR) : 9-10 Settembre 2021) Atti Convegno SIPAS . – Vol….

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Best molecular tools to investigate coronavirus diversity in mammals : a comparison

Viruses . – Vol. 13 no 10 (2021) . – Article no. 1975 (15 p). – 59 bib ref ultimo accesso 08/10/2021 Nr. Estr….

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Ridurre il consumo di antibiotico : risultati di un progetto PSR in 30 aziende dell’Emilia Romagna nel triennio 2016- 2018 = A three years survey on antimicrobial use in a sample of 30 swine farms in Emilia Romagna (Italy)

Meeting Annuale della Societa Italiana di Patologia ed Allevamento dei Suini (SIPAS) (46. : Pescantina (VR) : 9-10 Settembre 2021) Atti Convegno SIPAS . – Vol….

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Infezioni da PCV2, PCV3 e porcine circovirus- like virus P1 nei suini di allevamento e nei cinghiali selvatici = Infections by PCV2, PCV3 and circovirus-like virus P1 in farmed swine and wild boars

Meeting Annuale della Societa Italiana di Patologia ed Allevamento dei Suini (SIPAS) (46. : Pescantina (VR) : 9-10 Settembre 2021) Atti Convegno SIPAS . – Vol….

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A pathogenic HEXA missense variant in wild boars with Tay-Sachs disease

Mol Genet Metab . – Vol. 133 no 3 (2021) . – p 297-306. – 76 bib ref ultimo accesso 07/10/2021 Nr. Estr. 8737…

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Hermetia illucens reared on selenium enriched substrates for designing fortified insect meal

Animal Science and Production Association ( ASPA ) Congress (24th : Padova : September 21-24, 2021) Ital J Anim Sci . – Vol. 20 suppl…

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