Lysozyme concentration in quarter milk of Holstein Friesian cows during intramammary infections with different pathogens

74. Convegno SISVET : FEDERAZIONE SISVET (AIPVET, AIVI, AMV, ANIV, ARNA, RNIV, SICLIM-Vet, SICV, SIFTVET, SIRA, SOFIVET, SOIPA) : edizione virtuale, 23-26 Giugno 2021 ….

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A new nomenclature for the livestock-associated Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex based on phylogenomics [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

Open Res Europe . – Vol. 1 (2021) . – Article no. 100 (24 p). – 90 bib ref ultimo accesso 14/02/2022 Nr. estr….

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Aggiornamenti sull’infezione da Chlamydia suis nel suino : un possibile patogeno emergente? = Updates on Chlamydia suis infection in pigs : a possible emerging pathogen?

Summa Anim Reddito . – Vol. 16 no 10 (2021) . – p 53-60. – 21 bib ref Nr. estr. 8851   Leggi estratto… Riassunto…

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Monitoring of the health status of slaughtered pigs by scoring of the pluck lesions

74. Convegno SISVET : FEDERAZIONE SISVET (AIPVET, AIVI, AMV, ANIV, ARNA, RNIV, SICLIM-Vet, SICV, SIFTVET, SIRA, SOFIVET, SOIPA) : edizione virtuale, 23-26 Giugno 2021 ….

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Serologic evidence of occupational exposure to avian influenza viruses at the wildfowl/poultry/human interface

Microorganisms . – Vol. 9 no 10 (2021) . – Article no. 2153 (18 p). – 81 bib ref ultimo accesso 14/02/2022 Nr. estr….

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Development of two multiplex lateral flow devices for on-field identification and serotyping of foot-and- mouth disease virus

Discontools Symposium “Filling the knowledge gaps in animal disease control” : 20 October 2021, Brussels, Belgium . – [s.l. : s.n. , 2021] Discontools Symposium…

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Non-assembled ORF2 protein of Porcine Circovirus 2b does not confer protective immunity

74. Convegno SISVET : FEDERAZIONE SISVET (AIPVET, AIVI, AMV, ANIV, ARNA, RNIV, SICLIM-Vet, SICV, SIFTVET, SIRA, SOFIVET, SOIPA) : edizione virtuale, 23-26 Giugno 2021 ….

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Comparison of welfare and productivity between dairy farms with conventional and automatic milking systems

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the assessment of animal welfare at farm and group level (WAFL 2021) : Cork, Ireland, August 16-19, 2021…

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Stesura di un manuale operativo per la gestione di focolai di salmonellosi nell’allevamento della bovina da latte : esperienza in un focolaio in provincia di Piacenza = Drafting of an operating manual for salmonellosis management in dairy farms : application in an outbreak in Piacenza province

Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Buiatria (53. : Virtual Week : 22-26 Novembre 2021) Atti Soc Ital Buiatria . – Vol. 53 (2021) . –…

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Preliminary evidence of endotoxin tolerance in dairy cows during the transition period

74. Convegno SISVET : FEDERAZIONE SISVET (AIPVET, AIVI, AMV, ANIV, ARNA, RNIV, SICLIM-Vet, SICV, SIFTVET, SIRA, SOFIVET, SOIPA) : edizione virtuale, 23-26 Giugno 2021 ….

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