Evaluation of pre-analytical and analytical methods for detecting SARS-CoV-2 in municipal wastewater samples in Northern Italy

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Infectious endometritis in mares : microbiological findings in field samples

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Exploring foot-and-mouth disease virus antibody interactions using bio-layer interferometry

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Avidity of polyclonal antibodies to foot-and-mouth disease virus in bovine serum measured using bio-layer interferometry

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Lactoferrin concentration in Italian Holstein Friesians’ quarter milk at dry-off : correlation with the somatic cell count score and intramammary infections

74. Convegno SISVET : FEDERAZIONE SISVET (AIPVET, AIVI, AMV, ANIV, ARNA, RNIV, SICLIM-Vet, SICV, SIFTVET, SIRA, SOFIVET, SOIPA) : edizione virtuale, 23-26 Giugno 2021 ….

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Serological exposure to Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in wild boar from an anthropized area in Italy

74. Convegno SISVET : FEDERAZIONE SISVET (AIPVET, AIVI, AMV, ANIV, ARNA, RNIV, SICLIM-Vet, SICV, SIFTVET, SIRA, SOFIVET, SOIPA) : edizione virtuale, 23-26 Giugno 2021 ….

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Lysozyme concentration in quarter milk of Holstein Friesian cows during intramammary infections with different pathogens

74. Convegno SISVET : FEDERAZIONE SISVET (AIPVET, AIVI, AMV, ANIV, ARNA, RNIV, SICLIM-Vet, SICV, SIFTVET, SIRA, SOFIVET, SOIPA) : edizione virtuale, 23-26 Giugno 2021 ….

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A new nomenclature for the livestock-associated Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex based on phylogenomics [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

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Monitoring of the health status of slaughtered pigs by scoring of the pluck lesions

74. Convegno SISVET : FEDERAZIONE SISVET (AIPVET, AIVI, AMV, ANIV, ARNA, RNIV, SICLIM-Vet, SICV, SIFTVET, SIRA, SOFIVET, SOIPA) : edizione virtuale, 23-26 Giugno 2021 ….

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