Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, kynurenine pathway, and lipid-profiling alterations as potential animal welfare indicators in dairy cattle

Animals . – Vol. 13 no 7 (2023) . – Article no. 1167 (19 p). – 56 bib ref ultimo accesso 05/04/2023 Nr. Estr….

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Impact of the implementation of tailored management strategies to reduce the occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in milk-supply chain in Italy

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First detection of mcr-9 in a multidrug- resistant Escherichia coli of animal origin in Italy is not related to colistin usage on a pig farm

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Vaccination against swine influenza in pigs causes different drift evolutionary patterns upon swine influenza virus experimental infection and reduces the likelihood of genomic reassortments

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Antimicrobial stewardship : nuovi strumenti a supporto del medico veterinario per utilizzo consapevole

Meeting Annuale della Societa Italiana di Patologia ed Allevamento dei Suini (SIPAS) (48. : Pescantina (VR) : 30-31 Marzo 2023) Atti Convegno SIPAS . – Vol….

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Staphylococcus aureus adlb gene is associated with high prevalence of intramammary infection in dairy herds of northern Italy : a cross-sectional study

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Grave sintomatologia neurologica con elevata mortalità in suini neonati = Severe neurological symptoms associated to high mortality in newborn piglets

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Bovine paratuberculosis in Italy : review of the national guidelines after eight years of their application

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Applicazione di IR biotyper con spettroscopia a infrarossi a trasformata di Fourier (FTIR) per la tipizzazione di Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae = Application of Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy-based IR biotyper system for typing Actinobacillus pleuropneuomoniae

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