Legislation and practices in Israel for protection of pigs from unnecessary pain : euthanasia in pig farming

Isr J Vet Med . – Vol. 78 no 4 (2023) . – p 3-11. – 16 bib ref ultimo accesso 22/01/2024 https://www.ijvm.org.il/sites/default/files/pozzi_pages_from_4book__vet_4_december_2023_1-4.pdf Nr. Estr….

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Results of a collaborative pre-trial for the evaluation of a new analytical method for the determination of aflatoxin M1 in cheese products

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Comparing dairy cow welfare in loose-housing and in tie-stall systems using animal-based indicators

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Patologie virali e batteriche rilevate nelle piscicolture italiane dal 2018 al 2022

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EPI-Net One Health reporting guideline for antimicrobial consumption and resistance surveillance data: a Delphi approach

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Manuale operativo per la gestione di casi di Salmonellosi nell’allevamento della bovina da latte

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