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- Urbinati L., Tomasoni L., Concoreggi C., Matti A., Lelli D., Bonilauri P., Maioli G., Dottori M., Prati P., Vicari N., Brandolini M., Corbella M., Marone P. – Morso di zecca e rischio di patologia infettiva – – 7° congresso nazionale simet – Torino, 28-30 novembre 2013
- Genchi M., Prati P., Manfredini A., Vicari N., Bragoni R., Sacchi L., Epis S., Fabbi M. Are dermatocentor reticulatus and Ixodes ricinus the real reservoir of Francisella tularensis? 3rd European Eavld Congress – Pisa (Italy), October 12-15, 2014
- Costarelli S. Giammariolo M. Iscaro C., Canonico C., Ciullo M., Crotti S. Vicari N., Gavaudan S. Surveillance of Tick Borne Encephalitis and other Tick Borne Disease in Umbria Region. — 3rd European Eavld Congress – Pisa (Italy), October 12-15, 2014
- Massimo Fabbi, Paola Prati, Nadia Vicari, Andrea Manfredini, Luciano Sacchi, Emanuela Clementi, Claudio Bandi, Sara Epis, Marco Genchi.”No evidence of transovarial transmission of Francisella tularensis by tick vectors Dermacentor reticulatus and Ixodes ricinus”. 8th International Conference on Tularemia. Opatija, Croatia
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PUBBLICAZIONI DIVULGATIVE - Fabbi M, Prati P, Genchi M. Tularaemia in European wild mammals – Tularaemia card – Network for wildlife health surveillance in Europe – EWDA e APHAEA