- Positive and negative reference sera
- Reference Strains, genetically characterised
- RHDV and EBHSV Monoclonal Antibodies
- Kits for virology (RHDV/RHDV2/EBHSV antigen detection) and serology (RHDV/RHDV2/EBHSV antibody detection and titration)
- Virological diagnosis of RHD/EBHS (KIT IZSLER Code 72575)
The kit is supplied for the analysis of around 84 samples from rabbits (RHD) or hares (EBHS) with 28 controls.
The price of one kit is: 620.00 €
- Virological diagnosis of RHD with typing of the agent (KIT IZSLER Code 80415)
The reagents included in this kit allow the analysis of 50 samples together with 33 controls. Controls are supplied to test in average 1.5 samples for each run. The kit allows the diagnosis of RHD and the typing of the causative agents: RHDV, RHDVa or RHDV2.
The price of one kit is: 450.00 €
- Serological diagnosis of RHDV due to RHDV/RHDVa (KIT IZSLER Code 72573)
The kit is supplied for the analysis of 150 sera at six dilution (titre till ≥ 1/10240) or 900 sera at the dilution 1/10 (negative/positive).
The price of one kit is: 450.00 €
- Serological diagnosis of RHD due to RHDV2 (KIT IZSLER Code 78751)
The kit is supplied for the analysis of 150 sera at six dilution (titre till ≥ 1/10240) or 900 sera at the dilution 1/10 (negative/positive).
The price of one kit is: 450.00 €
- Serological diagnosis of EBHS (KIT IZSLER Code 72574)
The kit is supplied for the analysis of 150 sera at six dilution (titre till ≥ 1/10240) or 900 sera at the dilution 1/10 (negative/positive).
The price of one kit is: 450.00 €
The kits are supplied with instructions that include the interpretation of the results.
The ELISA plates, buffers and OPD (the substrate for peroxidase) are not included in the kit.
These tests have been used in more laboratories in different part of the world (Australia and USA included) since 1992. However, they are still not officially validated.
To order and for asking quotation, please contact:
Mrs. A. D’Arienzo and Mrs. M. PIGNOLI U.O. Provveditorato Economato e vendite – Ufficio Magazzino Tel + 39 030 2290 608/200/312 Fax +39 030 2290 207 |
Information on the disease and on the diagnostic methods and can be found in the Chapter 3.7.2 “Rabbit haemorrhagic disease (version adopted in May 2023)” of the