EAVLD 2024 – 7° Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians

Si informa che dal 21 al 23 ottobre 2024 si svolgerà presso il Padova Congress, il seguente evento scientifico:

EAVLD 2024 – 7° Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians

Abstract Online System Opening January 15, 2024 – Abstract Online System Closing July 1st, 2024

Deadline Registration for abstract author August 30, 2024

La rilevanza dei temi trattati dal Congresso è sintetizzata nell’elenco dei Topics:

  • Animal health
  • Animal welfare
  • Antimicrobial resistance / susceptibility testing
  • Biosecurity in animal health
  • Emerging and re-e merging diseases
  • Epidemiology / Risk analysis and communication
  • Exotic diseases in developed countries
  • Food Safety
  • Forensic diagnostics
  • Genomics
  • Immunology and vaccines
  • Laboratory animals
  • New Diagnostic Testing Technologies
  • Proficiency Testing – participant and organizer perspective
  • Zoonoses / vector borne diseases

Per qualsiasi informazione è possibile consultare il sito: https://www.eavld2024.org/#!/up